A brand new in-person workshop debuting at Minnesota Center for Book Arts!
Saturday, August 10
12–4pm CT
Register with Minnesota Center for Books Arts
How can simple book structures allow us to think with our brains and hands to expand our creative brainstorming process? In this combination skill-building and idea-generating workshop, we will make three tools to grow and develop character-based backstories. Projects will include the Character Caterpillar, World Building Pocketbook, and the Exquisite Twist Book. All structures are designed to be easily added to and made again independently.
Our time in the workshop will be divided into making the structures and then filling them with words, images, and abstraction to explore multiple ways of developing rich and layered backstory. Participants will leave with the three projects collected in a paper folio, as well as a robust set of ideas for their narratives.
This workshop will be useful for artists, writers, illustrators, photographers and anyone interested in developing narrative in their work.
This workshop is co-taught with Julia Sarcone-Roach, the author and illustrator of several picture books, including Subway Story, The Ice Cream Vanishes, There Are No Bears in This Bakery, and the New York Times bestselling The Bear Ate Your Sandwich.